Remote Executive Assistants

Remote Virtual Assistants Are Available

No matter what industry you are working in, hiring an executive assistant, virtual or not, offers benefits such as keeping the company’s operations running smoothly. Being able to have your executive assistant work remotely gives you these benefits while saving you money on labor costs. When Remote Team Solutions hires remote personal assistants for your business, these are some of the skills and qualifications that we look for:
Finding Dedicated Executive Assistants With Us

Finding Dedicated Executive Assistants With Us

Finding Dedicated Executive Assistants With Us

It’s not easy finding a qualified executive assistant in a remote setting, especially one that you trust to help manage your company from another country. That’s why the Remote Team Solutions hiring process is structured so that only the best of the best are considered in your virtual assistant search. Our offshore hiring team has multiple connections to various industries in the La Laguna area, so finding the perfect match for your business is as simple as going through the interview process – which we will guide you through each step of the way.

Experience the RTS advantage, where your team’s success harmonizes with your company’s culture.

Why should I be hiring executive assistants through Remote Team Solutions?

Why should I be hiring executive assistants through Remote Team Solutions?

Not only does our hiring process involve extensive background checks and cross-referencing, but La Laguna is a hub for hiring virtual assistants as an educationally thriving area with more than 50 universities. Our headquarters is located in close proximity to the U.S. border, and since we are in Central Standard Time, the time difference will be minimal if existent at all. When you consider the job responsibilities of a remote executive assistant, this could be one of the most critical factors.

An executive assistant from Remote Team Solutions is different from a “real” virtual assistant offered by some other companies. With a “real” VA, you don’t know the person, and the person doesn’t work directly for you. This means you won’t be treated as a priority, but you will be charged by the hour. With our virtual assistant, you get a dedicated executive assistant, whom you’ve handpicked, working just for you. If you go with a “real” virtual assistant, he or she will only be able to do the easy tasks you give them because you can’t train them, and the assistant doing work for you today may not be the same person working for you tomorrow. With us, you can train your assistant, and know that he or she will work for you exclusively.

A qualified remote virtual assistant isn’t easy to come by, so allow Remote Team Solutions to assist you with your offshore staffing needs. To see if our services are a fit for your company, Schedule a Consultation Today and allow us to exceed your hiring expectations.

Other Nearshore Roles Include

Remote Executive Assistants

Hiring Remote Executive Assistants

Running your business means that you have plenty of responsibilities, which means you have little time to yourself. Time management is a plus when you’re constantly worrying about bringing in new clients, satisfying the needs of your current clients, and keeping track of the day-to-day operations of your company. To alleviate these concerns, you would typically look into finding a dedicated executive assistant to help manage your schedule, as well as the rest of the company’s responsibilities. Hiring a new position could be costly, and space in your office might be sparse, so going the route of a remote executive assistant could be beneficial. These types of situations are where Remote Team Solutions comes into play.

Outsourcing a remote personal assistant to our La Laguna headquarters will help your company save on operational expenses, while still having your scheduling and correspondence figured out. Taking on a remote executive assistant with Remote Team Solutions allows you to choose from a pool of highly-trained and highly-educated candidates, with our team helping you with the process of handpicking your staff of virtual assistants every step of the way.

Experience the RTS advantage, where your team’s success harmonizes with your company’s success.

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