Your Journey with RTS: Recruiting the Best Candidates and Empowering Your Ideal Team

Find the right people

At Remote Team Solutions (RTS), we understand that each company is unique, just like its team.

This understanding is at the heart of our approach to staffing—it’s not just about filling positions; it’s about enhancing your team’s capabilities and ensuring a perfect alignment with your unique business culture. Our streamlined process, which incorporates the renowned “A Method for Hiring“ by Geoff Smart and Randy Street, combined with the innovative Remoties Training Camp, ensures that your staffing needs are met comprehensively and effectively.

Our Process,
Streamlined for Excellence

At RTS, we make finding and integrating top-tier talent into your operations a smooth and straightforward experience. Our team of certified recruiters are experts in diverse industries, ensuring that you get the best-fitting candidates with minimal effort on your part.

We’re committed to aligning with your unique recruitment process, whether that involves incorporating additional stages of review, specific tests, or any other requirements you have.

Our unique customized approach and unmatched proficiency let us adeptly meet your staffing needs.

Ready to transform your team with RTS? Schedule a Consultation today and let’s empower growth—Together.

Interested in the details of our streamlined process? Explore our full process to see how we tailor our approach to your unique needs.

Needs Assessment
& Strategic Kickoff

A comprehensive review to establish the foundation for a targeted search.

Talent Scouting
& Evaluations

Skills assessments, psychological analyses, and thorough background checks.


In-depth face-to-face interviews followed by personalized selection and client interviews.


Smooth onboarding with adaptive scaling to fit your needs.

Ongoing Development
& Support

Continuous empowerment, training, and partnership for sustained success.

Our Process,
Streamlined for Excellence

At RTS, we make finding and integrating top-tier talent into your operations a smooth and straightforward experience. Our team of certified recruiters are experts in diverse industries, ensuring that you get the best-fitting candidates with minimal effort on your part.

We’re committed to aligning with your unique recruitment process, whether that involves incorporating additional stages of review, specific tests, or any other requirements you have.

Our unique customized approach and unmatched proficiency let us adeptly meet your staffing needs.

Ready to transform your team with RTS? Schedule a Consultation today and let’s empower growth—Together.

Interested in the details of our streamlined process? Explore our full process to see how we tailor our approach to your unique needs.

Needs Assessment
& Strategic Kickoff

A comprehensive review to establish the foundation for a targeted search.

Talent Scouting
& Evaluations

Skills assessments, psychological analyses, and thorough background checks.


In-depth face-to-face interviews followed by personalized selection and client interviews.


Smooth onboarding with adaptive scaling to fit your needs.

Ongoing Development
& Support

Continuous empowerment, training, and partnership for sustained success.

Our Process,
Streamlined for Excellence

At RTS, we make finding and integrating top-tier talent into your operations a smooth and straightforward experience. Our team of certified recruiters are experts in diverse industries, ensuring that you get the best-fitting candidates with minimal effort on your part.

We’re committed to aligning with your unique recruitment process, whether that involves incorporating additional stages of review, specific tests, or any other requirements you have.

Our unique customized approach and unmatched proficiency let us adeptly meet your staffing needs.

Ready to transform your team with RTS? Schedule a Consultation today and let’s empower growth—Together.

Interested in the details of our streamlined process? Explore our full process to see how we tailor our approach to your unique needs.

Needs Assessment
& Strategic Kickoff

A comprehensive review to establish the foundation for a targeted search.

Talent Scouting
& Evaluations

Skills assessments, psychological analyses, and thorough background checks.


In-depth face-to-face interviews followed by personalized selection and client interviews.


Smooth onboarding with adaptive scaling to fit your needs.

Ongoing Development
& Support

Continuous empowerment, training, and partnership for sustained success.

Your Ideal Team

We’re committed to simplifying your journey to premium staffing with a process that has been meticulously designed to seamlessly integrate top-tier talent into your operations. We recognize the individuality of your business and adapt our approach to match your specific recruitment strategies.

Ready to build your dream team while saving time and 60% in costs? Schedule a Consultation Today and let's create your ideal team together.

Customized Recruitment Process

We adjust our staffing methodology to your existing recruitment practices, whether that means extra review stages, specific tests, or other unique requirements.

Client-Centric Candidate Selection

Recognizing that you know your needs best, we make certain that you hand-pick every candidate, and we will work tirelessly until you are 100% satisfied with your selections.

Here’s a step-by-step overview of uniquely tailored process

We start the process with an in-depth analysis of your staffing requirements, identifying suitable skill tests and psychometric evaluations for your ideal candidate profile. You’ll be assigned a specialized and certified Talent Acquisition Leader accompanied by a full support team to ensure a bespoke approach and a perfect fit for your team.

Your Talent Acquisition Manager, along with a Talent Acquisition Leader who specializes in the positions you need to fill, will collaborate with you to thoroughly understand your organizational culture and develop a tailored recruitment strategy. This step involves selecting the most appropriate skill tests and psychometric analyses and integrating any additional evaluations or other steps necessary for a comprehensive and coordinated hiring process.

Our approach to this pivotal step is multifaceted. First, we engage in active scouting and headhunting to identify candidates who meet your specific criteria, simultaneously utilizing our extensive database of pre-vetted professionals to verify that no potential match is overlooked. At the same time, we deploy effective talent attraction strategies, including crafting compelling job postings and leveraging our robust network and reputation to attract the finest talent. Each candidate we identify then undergoes a rigorous screening process. This holistic method guarantees high-quality candidate selection, meticulously aligning with your specific needs and organizational culture.

Rigorous reference checks and background verifications are conducted on short-listed candidates to affirm their reliability and integrity.

Candidates undergo skill tests and psychometric analyses, along with any additional evaluations you prefer, to confirm their skills and suitability for your team.

Certified recruiters conduct comprehensive interviews, confirming that candidates meet all position requirements and fit well with your organizational values and culture.

We present a selection of top candidates for you to review and interview, empowering you with the final decision to ensure each candidate is an ideal fit.

Our IT and HR teams work together to facilitate the smooth integration of new members into your company’s workflows, promoting rapid team productivity.

Our commitment extends beyond recruitment. We offer ongoing development opportunities through our Remoties Training Camp, ensuring your team remains current and competitive.

With RTS, you gain a full spectrum of support services. Our HR, Talent Development, IT, and Talent Acquisition Teams work tirelessly behind the scenes, effectively acting as an extension of your own departments to secure sustained team success and goal alignment.

Ready to transform your staffing strategy? Schedule a consultation today and discover the RTS difference.

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The Remoties Training Camp Advantage:
Innovative Learning and Development

Our Remoties Training Camp offers continuous learning opportunities, partnering with universities and other specialized providers to deliver training tailored to your team’s needs. This program, included in our service package, offers skill enhancement and professional growth at no extra cost.

Additional Support Services

Comprehensive Assistance: From transitioning teams and implementing OKRs or KPIs to creating training materials and integrating technology tools, we offer extensive support beyond staffing.

Schedule a consultation today and discover the ease of creating your ideal team, perfectly attuned to the unique needs and culture of your business