Nearshore vs. Offshore:
Finding the Best Staffing Solution for Your Business

Nearshore vs. offshore
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As a business owner, you may find the idea of offshore staffing appealing. What you may not know is that when it comes to nearshore vs. offshore staffing, RTS’s nearshore staffing solution is a far more viable option. With 60% savings and 2% turnover rate, nearshore staffing from RTS is the most cost effective staffing in the world. If you’re not familiar with what we do, it’s time we met.

At Remote Team Solutions (RTS), we specialize in hiring professionals based in Mexico for our clients’ specific needs. The remote team works in our state-of-the-art offices in Mexico, but they are managed by the client’s management team. Because we are the employer of record, we take on the responsibility for payroll, benefits and Mexican labor laws, etc.. No contracts are required, just a simple monthly fee for each employee, which makes the HR process simple. RTS employees are happy because they’re well compensated, and our clients are thrilled because they’re getting the services of highly-skilled employees and saving a bundle.

Let’s explore the benefits of nearshore vs. offshore outsourcing so you can decide which is the best fit for your business.

What is Offshore Staffing?

Offshore staffing involves hiring remote employees from distant countries, often in regions like India, the Philippines, or Eastern Europe.

Benefits of Offshoring

Offshoring has become a popular practice for a few reasons:

Nearshore vs. offshore staffing

Challenges of Offshore Staffing Services

Hiring employees from overseas countries does have its downsides. For example:

Communication Barriers:

Language skills and dramatic time zone differences can hinder effective communication.

Team Integration:

Because the time zones are so divergent, it's difficult for the local team and an overseas team to function together and build a true team atmosphere.

Employee Churn:

If the overseas team works through the night to collaborate with the local team, it can lead to high turnover rates (which is an ROI killer).

Cultural Differences:

Varied work cultures can lead to misunderstandings and misaligned expectations.

Longer Onboarding:

The distance and differences in working styles can extend the onboarding process.

Communication Barriers:

Language skills and dramatic time zone differences can hinder effective communication.

Team Integration:

Because the time zones are so divergent, it's difficult for the local team and an overseas team to function together and build a true team atmosphere.

Employee Churn:

If the overseas team works through the night to collaborate with the local team, it can lead to high turnover rates (which is an ROI killer).

Cultural Differences:

Varied work cultures can lead to misunderstandings and misaligned expectations.

Longer Onboarding:

The distance and differences in working styles can extend the onboarding process.

Image of a desktop computer with a video conferencing program window open showing two people saying "Hello".

What is Nearshore Staffing?

Nearshore staffing refers to hiring remote employees from countries geographically closer to your business. For US companies, nearshoring means hiring talent from Latin American countries, such as Mexico.

Benefits of Nearshore Staffing

Nearshore staffing aims to combine the benefits of offshore staffing with fewer of its challenges. For example:

Challenges of Nearshore vs. Offshore Staffing

Salaries for offshore vs. nearshore staffing tend to be lower, however employee turnover rates are exponentially higher, making the ROI much higher than can be expected from offshore solutions. In addition, there’s a smaller talent pool compared to global offshore options. But, as you will see, these challenges pale by comparison to the overall benefits of nearshore staffing provided by Remote Team Solutions.

Why Choose Nearshore vs. Offshore?

There are several reasons why businesses are moving toward nearshore vs. offshore staffing:

Enhanced Collaboration and Communication

Nearshore staffing reduces the time zone gap, allowing for real-time collaboration and faster response times, and a true blending of the teams in Mexico and the US. This synchronicity is critical for agile project management and ensuring that your team can promptly address any issues that arise.

Cultural Alignment

Cultural similarities between the US and Mexico lead to smoother interactions and better alignment in business practices and expectations. This cultural alignment minimizes misunderstandings and fosters a more cohesive working relationship. All Remote Team Solutions employees are bilingual, so they can converse easily with their employer’s clients in either English or Spanish.

A Long Term Strategy
Image of a person sitting on a blue chair using his laptop with a clock in the background.

Bilingual Employees

All Remote Team Solutions employees are bilingual, so they can converse easily with your clients in either English or Spanish. Around 80% of the USA population is Hispanic, that is more than 65 million people.

Higher Quality of Work

The quality of work often benefits from the closer proximity and better communication facilitated by nearshore staffing. Continual communication with the US office allows the remote team to meet the specific needs and standards of US businesses.

Image of a person sitting on a blue chair using his laptop with a clock in the background.

Cost-Effective Solutions

While nearshore staffing might come at a slightly higher salary cost than offshore options, the long-term costs are much lower. Because nearly all turnover costs are eliminated, the overall ROI is exponentially better than nearly all outsourced or local staffing. There are also savings in terms of reduced communication issues, faster onboarding, and better project outcomes that further extend the value of nearshore staffing.

Flexibility and Accessibility

Nearshore teams are easier to manage and visit if needed, providing more flexibility and opportunities for in-person collaboration when necessary.

Your Team & Your Culture

How Remote Team Services Goes Above and Beyond

We pride ourselves on delivering exceptional nearshore staffing services. Our unique approach includes:

Top Talent Acquisition
1 %

We recruit the top 5% of talent, ensuring high-quality hires.

Employee Retention
1 %

With a remarkable 98% retention rate, your team will remain stable and while building institutional knowledge year after year.

Cost Efficiency
1 %

Clients save approximately 60% on staffing costs, while our employees are paid a higher wage than at other Mexican companies.

Cultural Alignment and Proximity: Similar business cultures and time zones enhance communication and collaboration.

Nearshore vs. Offshore FAQs

Below, we’ve addressed some common questions about nearshore vs. offshore staffing. Please schedule a consultation to learn more about the services we provide. 


Remote Team Solutions can fill virtually any role because we recruit specifically for our client’s needs. Common positions include; IT professionals, customer service representatives, bookkeepers, administrative staff, project managers, developers and more. The talent pool in Mexico is highly educated and diverse, catering to various business requirements.

We implement a rigorous recruitment process to select the top 5% of talent and provide continuous support and training to ensure high performance. Also, you are involved in the interview process, and you’ll decide who will be hired for your team. Our low turnover rate and focus on employee satisfaction contribute to consistent quality in our services.

To get started, schedule a consultation. Our team will work with you to understand your staffing needs and provide tailored solutions to help your business grow.

Choosing Nearshore vs. Offshore Is the Smart Play

Making the right choice between nearshore and offshore staffing can significantly impact your business’s success. Nearshore staffing with Remote Team Solutions is the most cost-effective staffing in the world and offers direct communication, cultural alignment, and bilingual teams, making it the logical solution for US companies. Partner with RTS today!

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