Why Cultural Nearshoring Outranks Outsourcing in 2021

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Businesses entering 2021 with a mindset of changing how they handle tech support, hiring graphic designers, invoice management, and more have begun looking at outsourcing as a viable alternative. As they conduct their research and look at how outsourcing can help their business, a common refrain begins to show itself; how the differences in cultures can become a stumbling block in having your in-house team effectively work with the outsourced team. For the businesses that see this gap as a dealbreaker, Remote Team Solutions can help bridge the cultural gap thanks to cultural nearshoring. But what exactly is cultural nearshoring, and how can you use it to your advantage?

What is Cultural Nearshoring?

Nearshoring some of the services that your business needs mean that you utilize teams in a neighboring country, one where the language barrier is non-existent, and your teams can better communicate with each other. Part of that enhanced communications comes in the form of cultural nearshoring. Not only are the teams within relative proximity with each other, but the differences between the respective cultures are minimal at most. Without these barriers in how each team approaches their work and communicates their needs, businesses have a better chance of creating a cohesive work environment for everyone involved compared to outsourcing.

The following infographic covers some of the benefits your business can experience from cultural nearshoring:

Infographic explaining benefits of cultural nearshoring

How Cultural Nearshoring Can Benefit Your Business in 2021

As businesses continue to transition to using more cultural nearshore services, those on the fence want to know the benefits that cultural nearshoring can bring to the table. Aside from the physical proximity to your home office and the same cost-effectiveness found in outsourcing, the benefits of having your nearshore team within the same hemisphere are numerous.

Nearshore teams, like the kind that Remote Team Solutions can help you assemble, are highly skilled and qualified for your project’s particular needs. By using this kind of talent from a neighboring country, the familiarity with each other’s culture, language, and tendencies is there to form the basis of a quality working relationship. Additionally, once international travel becomes the norm again, the cost and travel times of visiting your nearshore teams will be significantly less than if you were to outsource your teams.

Whether you are hiring executive assistants, tech support, or want to make invoicing a more straightforward process, cultural nearshoring provides you with the opportunity to capitalize on the lack of significant cultural differences and language barriers to hit the ground running in 2021. Contact Remote Team Solutions to begin filling out your nearshore team today!

Experience the RTS advantage, where your team’s success harmonizes with your company’s success.

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